Desperate to save his father from crushing debt, Mi-eum is compelled to accept a risky offer from a ruthless loan shark. The terms are clear: assume the role of a house servant and get close and gather vital information about the enigmatic young master of the house, Baek Jitae. Upon entering his new workplace, Mi-eum’s mission takes an unexpected turn as he’s assigned to assist Jitae with an unusual task – his bath. Mi-eum understands that this unique opportunity is his key to getting closer to his target. Yet, the moment their eyes meet, Mi-eum realizes that no matter how much he may cry and weep, there is truly no turning back now.
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Cry Me a River
Ahogado por el deseo, Desire (Majjip), Désir charnal, Liebe und lust, ใคร่ราคะ, 愛慾, 愛欲〜愛と欲望に溺れて〜, 애욕Synopsis Cry Me a River
Warning, the series titled "Cry Me a River" may contain violence, blood or sexual content that is not appropriate for minors.